
Friday, October 30, 2009


After visiting with my mom on the phone this morning, we both decided we had a major case of "need to spend a day together"... so I loaded my tote full of cookbooks and goodies and loaded my car with kids and off we drove, over the river and thru the woods (to Grandmother's house we go!) Of course, I brought my SKOOKIES!!!! Mom and I put our heads together and created this recipe for the skookies... Can I tell you that the heavens are singing loudly!!!! First we got the kids together and had them use the apple peeler/corer/slicer to peel/core/slice the apples. That's a good activity for the little kidlets.

6 small apples, cored/peeled/sliced
dash of lemon juice
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 Tablespoon flour for thickening

Mix this together in a bowl and set aside...

When I make any sort of dessert I like to grease the pan well to assure that it'll come off the pan without sticking.

Now either make your own pie crust or buy some pre-made crusts, whatever you prefer.

The pie crust recipe I use is:

2 cups flour
1/2tsp salt
2/3 cup butter flavored crisco

Mix well with pastry blender or cut with two knives. Sometimes I improvise and use a wire whisk and just mix it until it's all crumbly.
Then add about 8 Tablespoons of cold water and mix with your hands. It should be just a little sticky but not wet. If it is wet, just add a little flour. Don't overmix or your pie crust will be tough.

Now this was more than I needed so you could probably cut the recipe in half, but I had a better idea which I'll share later...:-)

Now roll two 8" circles about 1/8-1/4 inch thick and put in your well-greased skookie. It should hang over the edges about 2 inches all the way around. If it's not perfect, no worries, mine wasn't either :-)

Now put half of your filling in each skookie on the pie crust. Now just fold the crust up over the filling about 2 inches around and just fold and pinch it together...(refer to pic)

Put a tablespoon of butter in the center.

Place in oven at 425 for 30 minutes...

Take out and ENJOY!

With the remaining crust, I rolled it out into (2) 6-inch circles, placed them on the greased skookie pans and sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar and put it in the oven at 425 for about 10 minutes or so until it was golden brown and all puffy... soooooo good!!! This is a spectacular treat for the kids!
Happy Cooking!


  1. This looks so good!! I don't know how you do it? I'd have no idea how to come up with a recipe by myself. Those apple peelers are so cool!! I think I need to get one!

  2. This sounds good! I was just thinking last night that I wanted something with apples because we got some really good ones at a fruit stand in Brigham last week! Thanks! Maybe I will try it!

  3. I love your blog! You always have such great recipes; I use it all the time to get ideas for dinner

  4. Well...I won't be able to try this til I get my NEW skookie pans! ;o) looks delish though.


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