
Friday, February 19, 2010

Turkey Chili with Black Beans & Corn

I have to admit that my family is a bunch of "Not-Chili-Lovers"... I like chili every now and again, but rarely make it because it seems to go to waste after I have the one bowl that calms my chili craving. Because my hubby leaves on the weekends, I try to save the "me" meals for then to try... Chili was this weeks selection! I've been trying to eat more healthy so I decided I was going to try turkey chili! And I'm glad I did! I had a great big bowl and it was really good! I'm hoping my friends enjoyed it as well! They took the rest of the pot home! This recipe is really versatile, meaning you can alter it to your liking... spicey, not so spicey, more tomatoes, less tomatoes, you get the idea, right?? This is what I did and I liked it, but feel free to change it up and leave your comments with your suggestions!

1 lb ground turkey (I used 85/15 ground turkey and it was about 19 oz)
1 lg onion, chopped
2 Tbsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 3/4 cups chicken broth
2 cups chunky salsa ( I used medium, but would use mild next time... I'm a wimp!)
1 15 oz can black beans, rinsed and drained (could use 2 cans)
1 16 oz can corn, drained
1 can diced tomatoes

Place the first seven ingredients in a large 4-5 qt. pot. Cook until turkey is well-browned. {Beware, your house is about to smell so amazing! } Add remaining ingredients and heat to a boil... reduce to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

This is a quick-meal that I will certainly be making again!

Happy Cooking!



  1. Oh yummy! Great picture!!!! It looks delicious. I will have to try it out.

  2. I have a chili recipe that I love and just made a few days ago. I want to try the ground turkey though. I used beef stew cubes that were something like 90/10. I tryed substituting ground turkey for ground beef in sloppy joes to try to make it healthier and they were disgusting. Hopefully, when I make the chili with it,that won't be the case. It looks so good!

  3. I use ground turkey all the time in place of ground beef, and the family rarely even notices the difference. This chili sounds good- I made one recently using ground turkey (of course), pinto beans and hominy that was adapted from a NYT article. Look forward to reading more :)

  4. MMM... I made this changed it out a little, but it was so good.. instead of using turkey I used Goat, and I added a can on pinto beans.. It was a big hit with the family!


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