
Thursday, June 3, 2010

**Root Beer Cookies**

Do you like Root Beer? If so, you're going to LOVE these cookies! They are like yummy soft pillows of root beer goodness with a sweet layer of root beer flavored frosting... I think these are the perfect recipe to make and take to a summer picnic, or a family reunion... Or better yet, make them JUST BECAUSE you want to! This recipe does make a huge batch of cookies, but I think they would freeze well. Or split the dough in half, use one half to make cookies and the other half to make bar cookies in a cookie sheet. There are several options. Don't pass these babies up! They're good good good!
Root Beer Cookies
4 cups brown sugar
2 cup butter
4 eggs
1 cup water
1 T rootbeer extract
7 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp salt
Cream butter and sugar. Then add eggs and cream together well. Add the rest of ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate for at least an hour. I find that after I have the dough out about half-way through cooking, I have to put the dough back in the fridge because the texture of the cookies change when the dough softens. Drop by teaspoons on a cookie sheet. I use a cookie scoop of course.
Bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Cool completely. Then frost with following frosting.
4 cups powdered sugar
2/3 cup butter or margarine
2 T rootbeer extract
1/4 cup water
If you half the recipe, still use the extract for more flavor.

Enjoy and happy cooking!


  1. Hooray!! I've been waiting for these :) On the grocery list is rootbeer extract, then directly to the kitchen to make these! Thanks for the awesome recipe :)

  2. I made these a couple of weeks ago. I had been thinking about them since the first time you mentioned you were going to make them. The recipe I got is a little different but not much.!!!! Tastes like a root beer float! I will definatley make them again!!


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