
Thursday, September 30, 2010

F.C.t.C. Weekend Challenge #2

This is one of my favorite dinners ever!  I don't use my slow-cooker (crock pot) alot.  It's not that I don't like the meals, I just never think about it!  My mom used to make this often for us growing up.  Of course, there was no recipe involved, just a variety of ingredients from the cupboard and fridge.  This is truly one of those dishes that when I have no time {or energy}, it's simple and I always have the ingredients on hand.  There are so many changes and options that could be made to your liking.  If you haven't already figured it out, my family is slightly picky and choosy about what they eat.  So I keep these extremely simple.  But they are good that way!  So for this weekend's challenge, just do what you like!  Switch it up as much as you like and post it to your blog!  Let us know what you changed, didn't change, or would change next time. There are endless options! Grab my Weekend Challenge button on the right side of my blog and add it to your blog to show people where to enter the From Cupboard to Cupboard Weekend Challenge!

My Mom's Crock Pot Potato Dinner
recipe from my mom
Adapted by From Cupboard to Cupboard
printable recipe here

8 medium potatoes, scrubbed and thinly sliced
1 lb {or so} thinly slice deli ham, cubed
2 cups shredded cheese {I like monterey jack}
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
1 can water

Mix together in a medium bowl, the soup and the water.
In a 4 qt crock pot, layer ingredients: 4 potatoes, sliced, salt & pepper to season, soup mixture, ham, cheese, 4 sliced potatoes, salt & pepper to season, soup mixture, ham, cheese...
Cook on high until potatoes are cooked thru. {Every crock pot is different, but mine took 2 1/2 hours} Of course, you could cook them on low for longer.  Whatever tickles your fancy!

Here are some of the add-ins you could consider:
* sliced onions
*cooked and crumbled bacon
*browned, seasoned, & drained hamburger or turkey burger
* sliced carrots
* frozen peas
* try cream of chicken soup instead of cream of mushroom
*add your favorite herbs like basil, parley, chives, etc.
* sprinkle garlic salt {I like the California Style} instead of plain salt
* use Velveeta for a creamier texture sauce

I tell ya!  The options are endless and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! 

Happy Cooking!

**Don't forget to go HERE to enter the drawing for a CSN Gift Certificate!**


  1. This was way good! I made a few changes. I switched the ham for hamburger and the cream of mushroom for cream of chicken, and i added onions. My little boy kept telling me it was "good! Ummy!" So I will definently be making it again. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Tanna! Thanks for sharing the changes that you made! That sounds really good!

  3. I know what we are having for dinner tonight!! Thank you for the idea!


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