
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And the winner is.....

HOLY WHIRLWIND around here!  The sun is finally shining and I have been working my kids' fingers to the bones in the yard! So, of course, we've been eating frozen meals, leftovers, & pizza {takeout}. And by the time we get in the house, I'm beat, and I shower and go straight to bed!  So, sorry for my disappearing act {you didn't know I was a magician did you?}, but I'm baaaacccck for the next few days for sure !

Now, I want you to know that I have been really touched by the comments and sweet remarks left by you, my friends, both as comments here and on my facebook!  The last few years have certainly been a journey for our family, but we are so blessed and very fortunate to all still be going strong together!  As you would leave comments and I would get notifications on my phone, I would read them & I have to be honest... there were several that really brought tears to my eyes!  Thanks to all of you again for your prayers and heartfelt kindness!

Now, for the winner! I thought it was only fitting that my Mom choose a number between 1 and 42 for the winner, so I called her & simply said "pick a number, any number between 1 & 42"... she thought for a second then said TWENTY-NINE! 

So... Congratulations goes out to KORTNEY who said:

I liked you on FB!

Kortney!  I'm so excited to get this cookbook to you so that you can try the great recipes it has to offer!  Please shoot me an email @ teawclark{at}gmail{dot}com with your address so that I can ship it to you!

Again, I want to send out a Great BIG HUG to all of you for entering this drawing that is so near and dear to my heart!  Thanks:)

Happy Cooking!


1 comment:

  1. woooo to tha hooo! ;o You've made my evening!! I'm excited can you tell! Thanks so much! I'm sending you an email in just a few!

    Oooo, give your mom my thanks too! :)


Thanks for visiting! Your happy comments make my day!
