
Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Excuse!

Hey there!  I'm sorry I have been MIA for a while!  I've been cooking and baking up a storm, just haven't had the time to post anything on here!  I have been sooo busy baking and decorating cakes and cupcakes, catering a dutch oven dinner for 25 and LOVING EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT!  I just thought I'd take a minute to share with you what I've been working on :) 

A Chocolate Birthday Cake for one of my favorite cowboys, Kyler! 

Just a close-up of the chocolate picture on the top of his cake... I loved this! 

A cake I just was playing with because I was bored.... But it turned out cute :)

A special order Birthday Cake for a cute little girl from my hometown!

A Wedding Cake for my beautiful friend, Tracy.... I was so pleased with how it turned out!

A half-sheet cake to serve at Tracy's reception! Complete with black drop flowers with pearl centers!
So, see?!  I'm really not totally slacking... Just on my posting!  But I'll make it up to you! I PROMISE!!

Happy Cooking,

1 comment:

  1. All these cakes look amazing! Seriously!! My favorite is the wedding cake. It is GORGEOUS Teauna! You're so talented!!


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