
Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm doing it!!!

As you have obviously already heard, I have decided to go ahead and start a cooking blog. For those of you who know me, I just LOVE to cook! It's certainly one of the top things on my 'favorites' list. I have soooo many cookbooks and I just love to go thru them. My kids always laugh when they come in the house and there are cookbooks scattered from one end to the other with little sticky notes in the pages that I want to try.

So many people enjoy to cook, but not bake or vice versa- not me... I like it ALL! I am always coming up with new things to try and I would love to have someone to share it with. I think that starting a cooking blog is the way to do this.

So, here I go. I have been contemplating starting a cooking blog FOREVER, but just didn't know where to begin. Well, I have decided to begin in the kitchen! Is there any better place in the home than the kitchen? Exactly what is a kitchen anyway?

Well according to the dictionary a kitchen is:




1. a place (as a room) with cooking facilities

2. the personnel that prepares, cooks, and serves food


To me, the kitchen is where our family spends our most cherished times together. It's in the kitchen where we prepare meals and sit at the table and share our stories of the day and laugh together. It's in the kitchen that I teach my children important skills that they will be able to use throughout their lives. It's in the kitchen where I can continue the traditions of canning and baking as my Mom and my Grandma Kay have always done. I feel that the work I do in the kitchen is always appreciated... I was always told the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Of course, LOVE helps get to his heart, but the goodies from the kitchen helps keep it. :-)

I will plan on posting a recipe a day!

Hope to see you soon!


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