
Sunday, October 25, 2009


The kids and I have been juicing apples and making applesauce this weekend. We had a great neighbor that brought us 2 huge boxes of apples. As we were putting the apples through the strainer, the kids had a BRILLIANT idea! "How about we make applesauce cookies with the fresh applesauce Mom!".So, we did! I have made this recipe since I was a little girl in my Mom's kitchen. It always feels good when I'm able to make them in my kitchen with my kids! These cookies stay moist and yummy for quite a while as long as you keep them in an airtight container. They also freeze well! FYI: because these cookies are so moist, you will want to put wax or parchment paper between layers of cookies in an airtight container so they do not stick together! :-)

Cream together:
2 cups sugar
1 cup shortening

Add to first mix:
2 eggs
2 cups applesauce
1 tsp soda

Add to above mix:
3 1/2 cups flour, sifted
2 tsp nutmeg
3 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
2 cups oatmeal

Add to above:
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup chocolate chips (I like using mini semi-sweet chocolate chips)
Can add 1 cup uncooked raisins if desired

Bake at 375 for 12 minutes on lightly greased cookie sheets...

Happy Cooking


  1. My mom always made these for us growing up and since I just bottled 40pts and 11 qts of applesauce I am going to make these babies tomorrow for my kiddos. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. This is a good idea. My family isn't a big fan of applesauce, but they love these cookies. Great idea to use up some applesauce.

  3. My husband asked me to make some cookies to take to one of our neighbors so I baked these this afternoon. Another great recipe!(surprise, surprise) ;) Thanks!!


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