
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

**Homemade THIN MINT cookies**

I LoVe lOvE LoVe any combination of chocolate and mint! Yummy! Grasshopper cookies, Mint-chocolate chip ice cream, chocolate cookies with mint chocolate chips, mint frosted brownies... well you get the picture! So did I mention that I love any chocolate/mint combination???
A month or so ago, I found the recipe for Homemade 'Samoas' and they turned out great, so when I came across a recipe for THIN MINTS, I just HAD to make them!

Thin Mint Cookies::
1/2 lb (2 sticks) butter at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 tsp salt
1 cup cocoa
1 1/2 cup flour

Cream the butter in your stand mixer until light and fluffy! Add sugar and cream some more until well blended. Stir in the vanilla, salt, and cocoa. Mix until smooth. This will resemble a thick cake batter. Now add the flour and mix until just combined to prevent tough cookies. This mixture is very crumbly so do not be alarmed! Turn out onto a countertop (I did not use any extra flour on my counter) and gather dough into a ball and knead just once or twice until its a big smooth mass. Then place in a large plastic bag and flatten into a 3/4" disk. Place in the freezer for 20 minutes. Take out the dough and roll it to about 1/8" thick... I know this seems really thin, but they are THIN mints...:-) Use whatever cookie cutter you may want to cut your cookies, just try to keep them to about 1 1/2" in diameter. Place on parchment-lined cookie sheets or a silpat on your cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool completely on wire rack....

Now melt:
1 lb chocolate chips (your choice: dark, milk, semi-sweet, etc.)
1 dash peppermint oil (don't use just mint oil because it is spearmint)

Melt the chocolate how you feel comfortable doing it, whether it be in a double boiler or the microwave! I like using the microwave! I've had good luck with that method... Use the method that works best for you! After melting the chocolate, add a dash of peppermint oil. You can use a little bit extra but just be careful not to overpower it....

Now I'm going to share with you my secret! Hersheys carries a MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP! LoVe lOvE LoVe them!!!! And I just melted a pound of them and used them! They are already a perfect combination of chocolate and mint! So this means I didn't have to make any of those difficult decisions on the type of chocolate and how much peppermint oil to make it perfect, Hershey did it for me! :-)

When the cookies are cooled, dip the cookies in the melted mint flavored chocolate! Place them on parchment-lined cookie sheets to let them set up...
I covered some totally, but found that I liked the ones that I simply "frosted" with chocolate. Of course, I had to add some sprinkles because let's face it, they're just cute :-)

Now... prepare yourself for the stampede when everyone realizes what you've just created! Because they are so so so good!!!! This recipe is a keeper!

Happy Cooking!

**I need to mention that I found this recipe and adapted it from! Love her stuff!**


  1. Your my kind of girl! Chocolate and mint is my absolute favorite combination! I love the Hersheys mint chocolate chips. The first time I saw them in the store I think I bought like 5 bags. :) I always make sure there are some in my storage room! I will most definatley be making these, especially since my husband was bummed he missed getting his girl scout cookies and these are one of his favorites!! I'm so excited!! hehe

  2. I look forward to you making these for me,LOL!!! Someday maybe I will try to kill this recipe! YUMMY!!


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