
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breakfast Sandwiches

Buttermilk biscuits.... sausage.... bacon.... melting cheese.....ham.... eggs!  Sounds like breakfast to me!  And an easy one at that! Do you ever just wake up and want to make everyone a special treat but you don't have much time? Well these yummy and versatile breakfast sandwiches are your answer! Whether you like making homemade biscuits or you have a can of refrigerated biscuits, or even a package of whole wheat (for the health-conscious soul)english muffins.... whatever it is that you have, it'll work.  We have the world's best butcher not too far from here and they make the BEST sausage ever!  My family just loves it.  So when I make these biscuits, there is no question what meat is used! It's Theurer's American Style sausage.  But, when I make mine I use turkey sausage and a Whole Grain english muffin. Any way you make them, they're way yummy and very filling. Make them your own!

Breakfast Sandwiches
by From Cupboard to Cupboard
printable recipe

1 can JUMBO refrigerated biscuits {I like to really stock up on these & have them handy in the fridge when they're on sale :)}
Your choice of meat, cooked
Cheese of your choice, sliced
First, get your oven preheated and follow the directions on the can of biscuits.  Get them in the oven baking and start cooking your meat.  Cool the biscuits on a wire rack directly after taking them from the oven.  Fry your eggs to your liking.  We don't like runny yolks around here so mine are well done!  Don't forget to salt & pepper your egg to taste:)  Now cut your biscuit in half and simply stack your yummy food.  I place the meat, then cheese, the egg, then another slice of cheese.  We like them this way!  Besides, a little extra cheese just makes my day sometimes, does it yours?

Some different ingredients you can use:
Your own favorite recipe for biscuits...prepared
turkey sausage
turkey bacon
ham or canadian bacon

You can also mix eggs well and pour them in a pan and let them cook as if you were making an omelet.  Then flip it over and when it's thoroughly cooked, just cut into squares.  Whatever works best for you!

Happy Cooking!


  1. we had these this morning! Thank you for the post! YUMMY!!!

  2. I'll take a bacon, egg & cheese one please! I have GOT to stop reading these blogs before breakfast!!


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