
Friday, October 8, 2010

FCtC Weekend Challenge #3- Dijon Porkchops & Potatoes

I took note of all the requests on the last drawing... {thank you!} and realized that many of you are interested in fast and easy crock-pot meals.  Like I said last week, I don't really use my crock pot alot, but I have to admit... IT IS SO HANDY!  I have been feeling under the weather this week and have done pretty much nothing other than bottleing salsa and chili sauce so my tomatoes don't go to waste.  I had no daycare kids today and decided I had ALL day to make another batch of salsa and one of chili sauce.  Well, that pretty much takes up all of my counter space and stove top, so the crock pot came to the rescue once again!  My 11 year old does not really care for any meat, but if it is cooked with any sort of potato, he'll at least try it!  Pork chops are one thing he will try no matter what.  So pork chops it was! And of course, had to add potatoes so he'll even consider trying it :-)  I was in a hurry so that I could get going on the canning stuff.  I just got out my food processor and cut up my potatoes, which of course, cut them thinner than I really would like them.  But they're still really good.  I like the touch of spice that the thyme and dijon mustard gives these potatoes!  And the pork chops become exceptionally moist and tender when cooked this way... So now, you need to try them for yourselves!  Just go to the right side of the page and grab the weekend challenge button.  Put it on your blog.  Post pictures of your DIJON PORKCHOPS & POTATOES. Of course, change it up like you wish or leave it just how the recipe states.  Let us all know what you like, don't like, changed, or sould change next time.  Write up a post about this Weekend Challenge and let everyone know they're welcome to come join in the fun!  Make sure you come back and link up your blog so everyone can check out what you've done!  Thanks:-)

recipe adapted by From Cupboard to Cupboard
printable recipe

1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/8-1/4 cup dijon mustard
1 teaspoon ground thyme
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
5 potatoes (medium-sized), cut into slices (I suggest slicing them at least 1/4 inch thick)
1 onion sliced (optional)
4 boneless pork chops, cut thick

In a large bowl, stir together soup, broth, mustard, thyme, garlic and pepper.  Stir in potatoes and onions until coated.  Transfer to a 4 or 5 quart crock pot.  Place pork chops on top of potatoes and season with salt and pepper.  Cover; cook on low heat for 7-8 hours or high heat for 3-31/2 hours. Serves 4


  1. This sounds really good! it makes me wish I had a crock pot, even! Like you I don't use a crock pot often (and get requests for crock pot recipes all the time!) - maybe I'll have to visit a thrift store & get a cheap one today. These chops sound delicious, my hubby & sister would LOVE them!

  2. I really liked this recipe... it was different from what I normally make. I usually don't use a strong herb like thyme. But it's so good! Sometimes it's good to think out of the box a little, huh? I have decided that the crock pot is sometimes a life saver. A very good piece of equipment to have in the kitchen :-)

  3. I am going to have to try this. My whole family, especially the hubby, loves pork chops and are pretty much sick of my 2 ways of preparing them. This sounds yummy!


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