
Monday, December 27, 2010

Finally.... The WiNnEr is announced!

I made a BIG mistake when I chose Christmas Eve as the drawing date for the SILPAT giveaway!  Considering the fact that I was away from home and had NO internet, it was pretty much impossible for me to choose a winner!  But, better late than never, right?  So with no further waiting.... {since you have waited long enough!} 
Congratulations to:

jenjgjn said:

K Teauna it's no secret I don't cook much in fact I hate it I know i know painful to your ears I'm sure but its exactly why I started following your blog. I was hoping your love of cooking might just rub off and indeed it has thank you! Ad far as a favorite cooking utensil would have to be a mixer!

So.... CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to you!  You are going to LOVE it!  Please contact me at and I'll get it mailed out to you!

For the rest of you... you can easily order SILPATs online @ Kitchen Kneads....

Happy Cooking!


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