
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our Favorite "Heavy" Rolls

If you are a "beginner" at bread-making, this recipe is a GREAT one to build your confidence.  Unlike the Lion House Rolls, these rolls are not light and fluffy.  They have more of a dense texture, making excellent sandwich rolls.  They hold up really well for sandwiches and who doesn't just LOVE homemade bread?!  My kids love them just warm with butter on them too.  A great recipe with a nice buttery flavor.  Try them!

Our Favorite "Heavy" Rolls
by From Cupboard to Cupboard

1 cup sugar
3/4 cup melted butter
2 1/2 tsp salt
4 1/2 cups warm water
4 eggs
4 Tbsp yeast
13 cups flour

Mix water and yeast in large bowl.  {This recipe fits in my larger KitchenAid bowl}... Add sugar to feed yeast.  Melt butter. Add butter, salt, & eggs to yeast mixture.  Add flour 3 cups at a time, mixing after each addition until blended.  Turn into a greased extra large bowl.  Grease the top and lightly cover with plastic wrap.  Set in a warm place and let rise until doubled.  Punch down and simply squeeze off blobs of dough, remembering that they're going to rise again.  Place on a silpat-lined, or lightly greased cookie sheet.  Let rise until doubled.  Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Immediately brush melted butter on rolls while they're still hot. Cool on wire rack.  Store in a cool dry place.

One of our favorite things to do with these rolls is to make Chicken Malibu Sandwiches...
simply cut the roll in half.  Place a chicken patty or breaded chicken, a couple thin slices of ham, and a slice of swiss cheese on the roll.  You can add any condiments you choose.  These sandwiches make a great lunch or dinner!

Doesn't that look so yummy? Kenzie sure thought so!

I hope your family enjoys these rolls like we do! 

Happy Cooking!



  1. These sound really good! And I love the sandwich, too! Kenzie is a cutie pie :)

  2. Thanks Andrea! These sandwiches are certainly one of our favorites around here! You're so sweet.... she is pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself!

  3. Beautiful rolls. Fresh bread is the best.

  4. I can't wait to make these tomorrow! It sounds like I dump all the ingredients together after I mix the water and yeast- am I reading this correctly?

    1. Yes. They are so simple. No hidden secrets.. just dump and mix!:)

  5. Also, should I use my hook attachment when mixing the flour? How long and what speed should I mix it for when I put in every 3 cups of flour?

    1. I like to add the first three cups and mix with my beater really well. Then replace beater with dough hook and use it while adding the rest of the flour!! Good luck!


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