
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sausage & Cheese Breakfast Bundles

Imagine that! Another FABULOUS {= simple} recipe for breakfast! I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but my husband LOVES breakfast! I can go without breakfast, and honestly, I prefer to.  But Mike..... he just can't! He likes breakfast and it's an essential part of his day, especially when he's at work! So, I've tried really hard to come up with easy-to-eat-on-the-go types of breakfasts. I like to keep refrigerated biscuits on hand.  Of course, I also have cheese and breakfast sausage too.  So, I decided to throw all those ingredients together and this is what I came up with! Oh so simple! But a winning recipe it is! He didn't argue at all when I asked him to be my taste-tester! As a matter of fact, he sat down on his cooler in the mud room {in his chore clothes covered in hay} and thoroughly enjoyed it! {That's right, I don't allow him to walk thru the house in his chore clothes...muah ha ha ha ha!}

Sausage & Cheese Breakfast Bundles
printable recipe

*Refrigerated Biscuits (each tube will make 5 bundles)
*Shredded Cheese (I had that canned processed cheese {the cheddar cheese kind for nacho night} and used it in place of the shredded cheese)
*Breakfast Sausage, browned and drained (it took a little less than a pound for 5 bundles)
*coarse kosher salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. On a silpat-lined or lightly greased baking sheet, flatten out refrigerated biscuit to 4-5" circle.  Place approximately 2 tsp of cheese on the bottom biscuit.  The place 2-3 Tbsp of sausage in the center. I like to then sprinkle a little more cheese on top.  That way the sausage is surrounded in cheese :)  Make sure to leave a small margin all around the whole end so that it can seal.  After placing all the filling in the center, stretch out another biscuit and drape it across the top of the filling.  pulling all edges out to meet the edges of the bottom biscuit.  Press edges together and seal with a fork.  With a pastry brush, gently brush milk over the bundle, then sprinkle with coarse kosher salt.  Bake at 400 for 8-12 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. 

flattened biscuit with cheese, sausage, & more cheese

the top s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out biscuit placed over the filling and edges pressed together
sealed edges with a fork
after baking 11 minutes.... YUMMY!!

Happy Cooking!


  1. They look really yummy! I'm not a huge breakfast fan either...But only in the mornings and unless it's something smothered in syrup! Other than that, I love breakfast foods...My favorite!

  2. Oh yum...wonderful breakfast recipe.

  3. These were ooh so yummy!! I made them for dinner tonight. Thanks!!

  4. Great idea! I will have to try this for sure! Perfect for breakfast on the go!:)

  5. oh man my son and husband would love these they look so simple yet yummy.



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