
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Homemade Rocky Road Ice Cream

Please go here to enter the latest giveaway, if you haven't already done so!! Thanks :)

Summer is here!!!

This has been the longest winter ever in our neck of the woods and I'm soooo beyond ready for some warm weather, as are many around here.  The weather in the states has been crazy everywhere.  I must admit I'm very grateful for our mountains and the protection they lend us.  I feel for the families that have had such devastation with the tornadoes and other natural disasters this year.  But, none the less, I am ready for summer already!  The last few days have been beautiful! I would love to take you on a little tour and show you the signs of summer around our home....

 I love when our horses shed their winter coats and then they shine when the sun hits their backs... This is one of our beauties, Chyspa... Her friend, Atti (for attitude) is hiding behind her.  She's not real camera friendly.. and then Kenzie's pony, Hemi is back by the grainery on the other side of the fence.  She's a cutie...and thinks she rules the roost around here:)

And when I walk out the back door, the kitties remind me how I should just relax and enjoy the sunshine....

Of course, I'm reminded it's nice and warm by the fact that Bradey's butt is stuck to his saddle 24/7 and when I need him I know to go look in the arena.  99.9% of the time, I'll find him there...

I love going out and watching all the sweet babies.  These colts are always bugging each other.  They are so fun to watch!
And who could resist being captivated by the nurturing nature of a hen with chicks.... They sure know how to keep those babies on the right path.  I love watching the chicks grow their feathers and become chickens!

And then... there's the beautiful view that I see out my kitchen window, to remind me how lucky I am!  The blue sky is so welcome! And the snow-capped mountains are just gorgeous!

Now that I've taken you on a tour of my place.... I need to tell you what else is at our home in the summer...
Ice Cream!!!!

I scream! You scream!  We all scream for Ice Cream!!!!  We consume ALOT of ice cream in the summer months!  Partly because it's a great way to cool down, but mostly because I have an obsession with making it!!  So this is the latest recipe I have made!  It is sooooo good!  I have a 6 qt maker, but will put all variations of the recipe to make it easier for you to size to your own machine!  Oh! And if you don't have an ice cream maker, I suggest you get one!  You will not be sorry!!!!! I bought mine brand new and in the box from a yard sale!  $4!  Bargain of a lifetime!!!

Rocky Road Ice Cream
From Cupboard to Cupboard
printable recipe

2 qt:
1 cup milk
3 squares semisweet chocolate
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup half and half
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups whipping cream
1 cup mini marshmallows
3/4 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

4 qt:
2 cups milk
6 squares semisweet chocolate
1 3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 cup half and half
1 Tbsp vanilla
4 cups whipping cream
2 cups mini marshmallows
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

6 qt:
3 cups milk
9 squares semisweet chocolate
2 3/4 cups sugar
3/4 tsp salt
3 cups half and half
2 Tbsp vanilla
6 cups whipping cream
3 cups mini marshmallows
2 1/4 cups chocolate chips ( I used semisweet MINI chips)
1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts or pecans (Did not use these because my family consists of some party poopers)

Combine milk and chocolate in saucepan.  Cook over medium heat until chocolate is melted, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat.  Add sugar and salt.  Stir until completely dissolved.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes.  Freeze as directed by ice cream maker manufacturer.

*This recipe was taken from the RIVAL user manual:)

Happy Summer from me to you!!!

Happy Cooking!


  1. This ice cream looks amazing! You have some great recipes! I am your newest follower and would love to have you follow back if you want!
    Camille @

  2. I love to back cupcakes! And I loved that strawberry recipe :)

    Happy to be your newest follower and can't wait to read more and try this rocky road ice cream recipe. My sons favorite kind of ice cream :)

  3. OK, the recipe sounds awesome! I do have to say what caught my eye most was the picture of the kitties. Love kitties!

    I'm your newest GFC follower - I found you through basilmomma's blog hop :) If you'd like, feel free to visit either of my blogs! (mommy/giveaway blog) (recipes only - I LOVE to cook!)

  4. Yummmmmy! I can't wait til I'm warm enough to make ice cream!!!!

  5. That ice cream looks oh so good and I love that there's no eggs in it. That's perfect for me.


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