
Sunday, October 11, 2009


Have I mentioned that I LOVE FALL? Well, I do! I love the fact that the house stays cool enough that I want to bake to warm it up. . . I love that it's hunting season so there's a demand for yummy easy-to-eat-on-the-go snacks. . . and I LOVE that bananas go brown quickly so that they're cheaper in the grocery stores and I can make yummy, moist banana bread! My mom has made this recipe since I can remember and it is so good! I can remember that she used to put chocolate chips on a couple of the loaves right before baking for us to enjoy. The aroma of the banana bread baking is AMAZING! When I bake this, I use the small tin loaves. I like that it bakes evenly and they are the perfect size for lunches, snacking, & freezing as they do freeze very well... if you have any left:-)

Preheat the oven to 350.

Grease and Flour 6 mini loaf pans.

5 lg bananas
4 eggs, well beaten
1 cup shortening
2 cups sugar
2 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup walnuts
4 cups sifted flour

Beat bananas to a liquid, then add eggs. Cream together shortening and sugar and add to bananas and eggs. Sift together flour, soda and salt mixture into bananas mixture. Add nuts and flour. Divide between the 6 prepared loaf tins. Place in oven on middle rack and bake 45-55 minutes until it bounces back when touched on top. You can sprinkle chocolate chips over the loaves just before baking for an extra special touch!


Happy Cooking



  1. I just stumbled onto your blog and am SOO glad I did. Thanks for all you amazing tried and true recipes!!! I can't wait to get started on them. Looking forward to checking in on you and your recipes!!!

  2. This is almost the exact recipe of my grandma! I LVOED her banana bread, and this is really THE BEST recipe I have ever tried - my grandma was the best cook, and you must be too since you have almost the same recipe! :)


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