
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am soooo excited! I have decided to have a giveaway and it's a GOOD one! A CAMP CHEF SKOOKIE SET WITH CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE MIX could be yours! So here is the deal: I will continue to do my normal recipes that I have been posting. But at least 2 days a week for the next month, I will post a recipe that can be used with a skookie pan. You can use all these recipes in your pans you have at home too, this will just be a great way to get more ideas and creativity in your kitchen.
Items like these in your kitchen are priceless because you can also use them in your outdoor kitchen too.... and they will last for generations and generations. They are made of cast iron and over time will develop a wonderful finish that makes them easy to cook with and clean. They are pre-seasoned so they already have a nonstick finish but they only get better with time and use!
I have a couple sets of these pans and we love to have "Skookie Night" at our house! It is SO MUCH FUN!
So, this is what I need from you: When you read a post on my blog, leave a comment. Suggest new ideas, give me any suggestions you may have, try the recipes and report back how you liked them, etc. I want to hear from you people! At the end of the month period, I will number the comments and randomly draw a number and the owner of that comment will win the AwEsOmE set of SKOOKIE PANS!
Remember to tell your friends about the drawing for **FREE CAMP CHEF SKOOKIES**.

Can't wait to hear from all of you!

Happy Cooking!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm in!! What a great idea!! I check your blog daily and have copied pretty much all the recipes. I need to get busy trying them out!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent and passion with us! I enjoy cooking but don't really make as much time for it as I should. Trying to change that! :)

  3. Teauna: I never realized you were a super cook... Way to go. I have ate goodies from these type of pans but never thought about getting one for myself. I can't wait...
    Ronda Price Catmull

  4. So where would I find a set of these pans since I never win anything...?????

  5. exciting! I absolutely love your blog. And am excited to see what you cook with these pans. I hope I win them! I never win anything.

  6. Teauna, I check your blog daily and love your recipes. I've never made sweets in my cast iron pan so I am excited for the upcoming recipes.

  7. Teauna,I love your blog and look forward to checking it every day. Amanda and I both made the meatballs and really liked them. My sister also made them yesterday. I have't ever seen those pans but they sound fun!! Thanks for all the good recipes its GREAT!!

    Trudy McMurtrey

  8. Is there anything you DON'T do?! You really have some great recipes. I made the Mashed Potato casserole the other night and it was a hit! Thanks for sharing!

    Mindy (Evans) Barringer

  9. Wow, you don't get comments until you give something away!! You know I love your food especially when you make it and feed me!!!

  10. Wow T, I didn't know you had this hidden talent!! My mom told me about some of your recipes and they sound great!! I am going to give them a try!! You go girl!!

  11. I love ALL of your recipes! I just wish I had the love to cook like you do! You are motivating me though, keep it coming! Thanks for taking the time to give us these GREAT recipes!


Thanks for visiting! Your happy comments make my day!
