
Thursday, October 15, 2009


It is 'SKOOKIE NIGHT' at our house tonight!!!! We are making yummy personal pan pizzas! So much fun and so little work and clean-up. Love these kind of meals...and the interaction with the entire family makes it even better!

I LOVE using cast iron for pizza because you don't get the doughy crusts! I don't like ''doughy'' anything! I also have a Camp Chef cast iron Pizza Pan! When we are having 'SKOOKIE NIGHT' and make pizza, I use the Pizza Pan and make breadsticks for our appetizer. But of course, you can use your regular pizza pans if you don't have cast iron:-) However, if you do want to check out this pan or skookies, go to . They carry the full line of Camp Chef prdoucts and they are less expensive there then on the camp chef site. You can find the Skookies at these stores: Smithfield Implement, R&R Hardware, IFA, CAL Ranch, Al's Sporting Goods, or Kitchen Kneads.

My favorite thing about cast iron is that it doesn't wear out! It just gets better with time and use and it can be used both inside and outside for generations and generations! What more could you ask for?

The first thing I do to get ready for our pizza party is prepare the pizza dough... it needs to rise so prepare it an hour and a half or so before you plan on making dinner. Set is aside and while it is rising, prepare all your toppings for your pizzas! Try all different kinds of toppings. You know, it's amazing how kids will try something when they are the ones putting it on their pizza!

For the pizza dough:

1 Tablespoon active dry yeast

1 cup warm water

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons oil

2 1/2-3 1/2 cups flour

Dissolve yeast in warm water in warmed bowl. Add salt, oil & 2 1/2 cups flour. Mix well. Add remaining flour and knead. You just want to knead this until it's no longer sticky. I use about 3 cups of flour. Place in greased bowl- cover and let rise until doubled. A good way to tell that your dough has doubled is to poke your finger in the middle of it. If the indentation stays then it is ready.

*I make this in my kitchenaid mixer and let it do all of the work :-), however I have made it the 'old fashioned' way and it's simple. Just don't overthink it. Knead until it's smooth and elastic and you'll be good!*

* I usually double this recipe so I have enough for at least 4 personal pan pizzas and a large pizza pan of breadsticks. If you are using a mixer, just mix one batch at a time then put them in a pan together. They will rise together.*

Now for the pizza sauce:

Mix well together:

1 can tomato sauce

1 can tomato paste

1 Tablespoon oregano

1 clove garlic, minced

1 1/2 tsp basil

1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp onion salt

Prepare and refrigerate until you're ready to put the pizzas together!

Now just prepare the toppings for your pizza! Here are some ideas:


*canadian bacon

*chopped honey-baked ham

*cooked and rinsed sausage or hamburger

*chopped olives


*shredded cheese

*green peppers

*etc, etc, etc

After your dough has risen, punch it down and make sure your skookie pans are clean and you can lightly grease them if you would like. Once you have used them several times, you should not have to use any grease at all. They are preseasoned but for the first few uses, I would say it's better to be safe than sorry and it does help the seasoning process. :-)

Now take about a baseball size of dough and spread on your skookie pan. Then put on your sauce and your toppings. Bake at 450 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until they are golden brown. Take out of the oven and slide pizza onto a cutting board. Cut and Serve!!!

Like I said, if you double this recipe, you should be able to make 4 individual pizzas with the skookies and a 14inch pan with breadsticks. For the breadsticks, I just pat the dough out on the pizza pan then brush with softened margarine or butter, then sprinkle with parmesan cheese and garlic salt. Bake 20-25 minutes until gold brown. Slice and serve with remaining pizza sauce for a dipping sauce.

I hope you enjoy this as much as we do!

Happy Cooking!



  1. I want to eat this so much, yummy!!! I am so much lazier than you are though, I would forget to make the dough and end up buying it!!

  2. yummmy! there are so many uese for one of those i think i would use it for this pourpose iam not that big on the cookie dough but a pizza i could do!

  3. Mini pizzas are so fun!! My 4 year old loves that he gets to make them all by himself and choose his toppings! It's been awhile since we've done them, so thanks for putting the idea in my head.

  4. These pizzas look yummy. I love the personal pan pizza then each kid can make his/her own pizza.I find my kids eat better and are so proud of themselves when they get to help make the food they eat! Great Idea for I love to find many uses for one item, Then you get your money's worth.

  5. My kids would love these...personal pan pizza's are so much better than normal ones. Besides my kids like all different toppings. This would solve that problem.


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