
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

This morning when I woke up, my kids were standing over my motionless body, which of course, scared the HELL right out of me!  After I had a minute to gather my thoughts and breathe a few deep breaths to mellow down my heart rate and quit seeing stars {yes, they really did scare me... and I was seeing stars}, they oh-so-sweetly asked me if I would get up and start baking so they could sell some goodies to passers-by.  Lucky for them I was up half the night looking at recipes online.  And... I had to fill the cookie jar anyway.  So, I got myself up off my couch {where I fell asleep just a couple hours prior} and got to work making Carrot Cake Cupcakes. For some reason, I just can't get enough carrot cake lately! I found this recipe here.  They were really easy and really good.  I didn't add chopped nuts, however, because ya just never know who might be allergic and try to sue ya or something! :) Not going to chance that one!  So, I made 24 Carrot Cake Cupcakes and a huge batch of these chocolate chip cookies!  We threw some bottled water  in the freezer to chill them quickly and made some signs, laminating them so we wouldn't have to make more in the future.  {Oh the joys of having a laminator:)}  The kids did really well and it was fun to look out the window and see a line-up of cars... what was I thinking... I never took a picture.  They made out like bandits and made nearly $20.  This is going to be our "We're Outta Here" fund.  One day, we're just going to take off and do something spontaneous and fun!  But we're going to have to sell a bunch more, as $20 won't fill up 1/2 the gas tank:(  Gotta love summer and the fun memories we can make! 

this picture came from my cell phone... not the greatest quality, sorry :(

Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
original recipe from Java Cupcake
adapted by From Cupboard to Cupboard
printable recipe

1 pound carrots, peeled and grated
3 large eggs, room temperature
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1/3 cup vanilla yogurt
2 tsp vanilla
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
**read notes below**

Yield: 24 cupcakes

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Line 24 muffin cups with liners.  In a medium bowl, combine: flour, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger & nutmeg and whisk until combined.  In mixing bowl, place carrots, eggs, sugar, oil, yogurt and vanilla. Mix until combined.  Add flour to carrot mixture and mix until combined.  Fill each liner 2/3- 3/4 full. (Mine overflowed a bit but they were just big cupcakes:) ) Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of one cupcake comes out clean.  Let cool for 5 minutes, transfer to wire rack to cool completely. 

Cream Cheese Frosting
From Cupboard to Cupboard

3/4 cup butter, softened
8 oz cream cheese
1 pound powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Cream butter and cream cheese until smooth.  Add powdered sugar and vanilla and beat until smooth and combined.  Pipe on cupcakes, or frost them however you choose....

Can refrigerate up to 3 days. Bring to room temperature before serving! :)
** you can add 1 cup chopped nuts to cupcake batter**

Happy Cooking!


I linked up here:


  1. How cute! I remember trying to sell lemonade at my Grandma's house...Clear out in Cherry Creek where about five cars drive by per day, lol. Didn't get much business. I hope these two did because they look darling sitting out there! So fun!

  2. I hope your kids sold all the cupcakes and cookies! I love carrot cake, and this recipe sounds delicious. I don't know if I'd have any left to sell - lol!

    I'd love for you to link this and any other cupcake related post you have at the month long Cupcake Link Party!


  3. I can not wait to try these!! Yummmm I've been craving carrot cake and what do you know...I come to visit your blog and find a recipe! woohoo =D

    Anyway, have a great day and I'll let you know when I make us a batch of these little goodies!

  4. Hi! I love your blog so much that I've just awarded you with the Butterfly Blogger Award! ! Click the link to come pick up your award!!

    Kortney's Krazy Life


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